
  • Each variable is modeled as a Markov Chain, so conditional probablity of next state only depends on last state
    • first order Markov Chain
      • Past and future independent given the present
      • Each time step only depends on the previous
      • Has Stationary Assumption
    • transition probablity:
  • But we need to update our model (beliefs) as we see new observations


  • Underlying Markov chain over states X and observe outputs (effects) at each time step
  • Conditional independence: HMMs have two important independence properties:
    • Markov hidden process: future depends on past via the present
    • Current observation independent of all else given current state
  • Evidence variables are not guaranteed to be independent because they are correlated by the hidden state

Filtering with HMMS:

  • Define as states of belief model
  • Filtering, or monitoring, is the task of tracking the distribution over time
  • We start with in an initial setting, usually uniform
  • As time passes, or we get observations, we update

Inference: find state given evidence

  • We are given evidence at each time and want to know
  • Idea: Start with and derive in terms of and in terms of with conditional
  • Equivalently, derive in terms of
Passage of time:
  • Assume that
  • After 1 time step from ,
  • At , we observe but the state only depends on and doesnt depend on
  • and is known recursively equal to
  • Or compactly
Two steps: passage of time + observation
  • Assume that
  • or compactly,
  • Basic idea: beliefs get “pushed” through the transitions:
    • With the “B” notation, we have to be careful about what time step t the belief is about, and what evidence it includes
  • Online beliefs updates:
    • Every time step, we start with current P(X | evidence)
    • We update for time:
    • update for evidence:
    • This is our updated belief
    • The forward algorithm does both at once (and doesn’t normalize)
  • ex: cant observe the weather but we can observe whether someone comes home with umbrella or not (evidence)

    | Transition probability matrix | rain | sun |
    | --- | --- | --- |
    | rain | 0.7 | 0.3 |
    | sun |  0.3  | 0.7  | 
    • Prob of evidence given actual: :
      • P(umbrella | rain) = 0.9
      • P(umbrella’ | rain) = 0.1
      • P(umbrella | sun) = 0.2
      • P(umbrella’ | sun) = 0.8
    • Starting with
    • Observe umbrella,
    • Elapse:
    • Observe umbrella again,
        • normalized to
        • normalized to

Particle Filtering