
  • A triplet of algorithms (Gen, Enc, Dec), a message space , and a key space K together is called a private-key encryption scheme if:
    1. The key-generation algorithm, Gen is a randomized algorithm that returns a key, , such that .
    2. The encryption algorithm, is an algorithm that takes as input a key and a plain-text (the message), and outputs a cipher-text
    3. The decryption algorithm, is an algorithm that takes as input a key and a cipher-text , and output a plain-text .
    4. The scheme is correct; that is, decrypting a valid cipher-text should output the original plain text. Formally we require that for all
  • Consists of:
    • A triplet of al algorithms Gen, Enc, Dec
      • flowchart LR
          subgraph Alice
          direction LR
          ENC --jizberisz--> DEC
          subgraph Bob
          direction LR
          DEC--> msg2[Message]
          sk --> ENC
          sk --> DEC
    • A message space
    • A key space

Algorithm triplet:

  • Gen
    • Alice and Bob first need to meet in advance to generate and agree on a secret key
      • Secret keys are shared
    • A uses secret key to encrypte a message, becomes a cyber text,
    • A sends cyber message to B, B then decrypt using the agreed secret key
  • Enc
    • Alice has a private message for Bob, she sends over the insecure channel.
  • Dec
    • Once Bob receives the cipher-text , he decrypts it by running to read the original message

Caesar cipher

  • The Caesar Cipher is a private-key encryption schemeclaim

One-time pad

Turing’s code