- Describe the probability of an item’s failure happen t, given that the item is still functioning
- Consider a positive continuous random variable X be the lifetime (existing without failure) of some item.
- Let X have distribution function F (probability of it failing before t) and density f.
- The hazard rate function λ(t) of F is defined by λ(t)=Fˉ(t)f(t)=1−F(t)f(t)
- where Fˉ=1−F , probability of it will fail after time t
- Conditional probability of (it failing in the next dt time) given (not yet fail after t-unit old)
- The parameter λ is often referred to as the rate of the distribution.
- F(t), probability of lifetime less than t, is: F(t)=1−exp(−∫0tλ(t)dt)