- Docs
- Written in HashiCorp Config Language, HCL
- Can be repeated
- Resources are infrastructure objects such as compute engine, storage, containers, et cetera.
1. Overview:
- A Module
2. Override files:
- Merging
3. Dependency lock file:
4. Test files:
- Use with terraform test
2. For .tf
- Argument:
- Assign a value/attribute to a name
image_id = "abc123"
- Context where the argument appears determines what value types are valid
- for example, each resource type has a schema that defines the types of its arguments
- can be an expression
- Assign a value/attribute to a name
- Block: ^1945db
- Containers for other content
- Has a block type
- The type defines how many labels must present after type
- can be 0 labels
<type> "<label1>" ["<label2>",...]{ }
- The type defines how many labels must present after type
- Has block body within {}
- can have nested block
resource "google_compute_instance" "vm_instance" { name = "terraform-instance" machine_type = "e2-micro" boot_disk { initialize_params { image = "debian-cloud/debian-11" } }
- Identifier: ^612f22
- Argument, block type names, and the names of most Terraform-specific constructs like resources, input variables, etc. are all identifiers.
- Can contain letters, digits, underscores (
), and hyphens (-
). - The first character can not be a digit.
- Comment:
for a single-line/*
for block
3. For .tf.json
- …
4. Style conventions:
run terraform fmt
Indent 2 spaces
Align at equal sign
```hcl ami = "abc123" instance_type = "t2.micro" ```
Each resource block describes one or more infrastructure objects
2. Resource block:
- Syntax of a block
- Resource types:
- Provider
- A plugin that offers a collection of resource types in modules.
- Each resource type is implemented by a provider.
- Based on the resource type’s name, Terraform can usually determine which provider to use
- Within the block, resource arguments assign value to the object’s attributes
- Provider
- Meta-arguments
- Custom condition checks
- Operation timeouts:
- Some resource types provide a special
nested block - Allows to customize how long certain operations are allowed to take before consideredfailed
- Some resource types provide a special
3. Resource behaviour
- Identifier for that real infrastructire object is saved in Terraform’s state
- Applying a Terraform configuration will:
- Create resources that exist in the configuration but are not associated with a real infrastructure object in the state.
- Destroy resources that exist in the state but no longer exist in the configuration.
- Update in-place resources whose arguments have changed.
- Destroy and re-create resources whose arguments have changed but which cannot be updated in-place due to remote API limitations.
- Accessing resource attributes:
- Expressions can be used to access information about resources in the same module
- Data sources are special type of resource used only for looking up information
- Resource dependencies:
- Some resources must be processed after other specific resources
- because infrastructure need
- or requires infor generated by another resource
- Terraform analyzes the expressions and order them
- If there is implicit dependencies, depends on can be explicitlty specified
- Some resources must be processed after other specific resources
- Local-only resources:
- local-only resource types exist for
- generating private keys,
- issuing self-signed TLS certificates,
- and even generating random ids.
- The behavior is the same as all other resources, but their result data exists only within the Terraform state.
- ”Destroying” such a resource means only to remove it from the state, discarding its data.
- local-only resource types exist for
4. Meta-arguments
depends on
for each
- Terraform relies on plugins called providers to interact with cloud providers, SaaS providers, and other APIs.
- Terraform configurations must declare which providers they require so that Terraform can install and use them.
- Additionally, some providers require configuration (like endpoint URLs or cloud regions) before they can be used.
2. Provider configuration:
3. Provider requirements:
4. Dependency lock file:
2. Input variables:
- To customize aspects of Terraform modules without altering the module’s own source code
- To share modules across different Terraform configurations, making your module composable and reusable.
- Like a function argument
Declaring an Input Variable
```hcl variable "image_id" { type = string } variable "availability_zone_names" { type = list(string) default = ["us-west-1a"] } variable "docker_ports" { type = list(object({ internal = number external = number protocol = string })) default = [ { internal = 8300 external = 8300 protocol = "tcp" } ] } ```
- Some names are reserved:
- Some names are reserved:
- Arguments:
- A default value which then makes the variable optional.
- considered to be optional and the default value will be used if no value is set when calling the module or running Terraform
- Restrict the types of value for the variable
- With
keyword, it can be:string
- Can use type constructors:
object({<ATTR NAME> = <TYPE>, ... })
tuple([<TYPE>, ...])
- This specifies the input variable’s documentation.
- A block to define validation rules, usually in addition to type constraints.
variable "image_id" { type = string description = "The id of the machine image" validation { condition = length(var.image_id) > 4 && substr(var.image_id, 0, 4) == "ami-" error_message = "The image_id value must be a valid AMI id, starting with \"ami-\"." } }
- Prevents Terraform from showing its value in the
output, when you use that variable elsewhere in your configuration. sensitive = true
- Prevents Terraform from showing its value in the
- Specify if the variable can be null within the module.
- Using Input Variable Values:
- Must prefix with
, where<NAME>
matches the label given in the declaration block:-
resource "aws_instance" "example" { instance_type = "t2.micro" ami = var.image_id }
- Must prefix with
- Assigning Values to Root Module Variables:
- s.
- Variables on the command line
- Variable Definitions (
) Files - …
3. Output variables:
- Make information about infrastructure available on the command line when run terraform apply
- Can expose information for other Terraform configurations to use.
- Similar to return values in programming languages.
Declaring an Output Value:
```hcl output "<identifier>" { value = aws_instance.server.private_ip } ```
- Identifer
- In a root module, this name is displayed to the user
- In a child module, it can be used to access the output’s value.
- Must have a
- Identifer
- Accessing Child Module Outputs:
- In a parent module, outputs of child modules are available in expressions as
- prefix
- In a parent module, outputs of child modules are available in expressions as
Custom condition checks:
1. Overview:
- A module:
- A container for multiple resources that are used together
- A collections of
in a directory- Each must defines a distinct set of config objects
- Not in nested directory
- The root module:
- A Terraform config has atleast 1 module which is the root module
- Contains all
files in the working directory
- Child module:
- A Terraform module can call other modules to include their resources in the configuration
- Published modules:
- Terraform can load modules from public (Terraform Registry) or private registry
- Using modules:
- By using 2. Module block
- Or 3. Module sources
- or 4. Module meta-arguments
- with
providers, depends on, count, for each
- with
- Developing modules
2. Module block:
- Calling a child module:
- To cal a module means to include the contents of that module into the configuration with specific values for its Input variables
module "<local-name>>" { source = "./app-cluster" <input-variable-defined-by-the-module> = 5 }
- This block is called the calling module of the child module
- The label right after is the local-name
- Module call use arguments:
:- mandatory
- value is:
- the path to a local directory containing the module’s configuration files
- or a remote module source that Terraform should download and use
- 3. Module sources
:- recommended
- Can use 13. Version constraints
- 4. Module meta-arguments
3. Module sources:
4. Module meta-arguments:
- s
5. Module development:
- Represent a value, either literally or by referencing and combining other values. They appear as values for arguments, or within other expressions.
2. Types and values
- Types:
7. Conditional expressions
- Custom
- …
- Preconditions and Postconditions
13. Version constraints:
- s