
  • In a long function, store a few variables to use it later so that it would take less time

Subproblem with Bellman equation:

Recursive Backtracing

  • Recurse from n to n-1, …, 1 then backtrack the result

Top-down Dynamic Programming

  • Same as Recursive Backtracing with memorization of the value of i that passed through
  • Only with work over-lappting function
  • Ex: calculating Fib(n) with O(n)
for i in range(2,n):
	F[i] = F[i-1] + F[i-2]
return F[n]

Bottom-up Dynamic Programing

  • Tabulation
  • Build an array and get solution from bottom up
  • backtrack based on the memoization table without explicitly storing values (by checking which case was chosen)
  • example: Weighed Interval Scheduling problem:
def sol(j):
	if j==0:
		return []
	elif v_j + M[p(j)] > M[j-1]:
		return [j] union sol(p(j))
		return sol(j-1)

Bottom-up No-memory Dynamic Programming

  • Only remember the last i results to find the next one
  • ex: Maximum Subarray Problem:
    • Opt(i)=
    • Tkae only element or take element together with best subarray endding at index

Some example problems: