
  • Every non-empty set of non-negative integers has a smallest element


  • Any positive integers and , fraction can be written in lowest termclaim
    • Proof:
      • Suppose to the contrary that there are positive integers m and n such that the fraction m/n cannot be written in lowest terms.
      • Now let C be the set of positive integers that are numerators of such fractions. Then m ∈ C, so C is nonempty.
      • Therefore, by Well Ordering, there must be a smallest integer, m0 ∈ C. By definition of C, there exists n0 > 0 such that “the fraction m0/n0 cannot be written in lowest terms”
      • That is, m0 and n0 must have a common prime factor, p > 1. We have, , cannot be written in lowest terms either (by our assumption).
      • Therefore, m0/p ∈ C. But m0/p < m0, which contradicts the fact that m0 is the smallest element of C.


  • Every positive integer greater than one can be factored as a product of primes.theorem
  • For any nonnegative integer, n, the set of integers greater than or equal to is well ordered.theorem
  • A lower bound (respectively, upper bound) for a set, S, of real numbers is a number, b, such that (respectively, ) for every .theorem
  • Any set of integers with a lower bound is well ordered.theorem