Given n variables and each has domain of k, then we need kn entries to model the Joint Distribution
We can use bayes net to break down using and make the table smaller
→ Encoding joint distribution
The idea is group the independent variables together, like karnaugh map
Then Bayes’s net is a Topology Graph with local conditional probabilities
Nodes are variables
can be assigned (observed) or unassigned (unobserved)
Arcs denotes influences
sometimes the influences can be causal but
Size of Bayes’s Net:
The joint distribution over N boolean variables: 2n
N-node net if nodes have up to k parents: O(N∗2k+1)
D-separation Triplet:
As Bayes’s net are not drawn by causal but influences, we need a way to separate them
We do so by analyzing the triplets and give a type of each, rmb to shade the evidence(given) variable gray:
Active triples:
Causal chain: if given the middle variable, the path is inactive as the evidence along the chain stop the indirect influence
Common cause: if given cause variable, the path is inactive
Common effect: if given effect variable, the path becomes active as one of them is the blame for it
General case
Any complex graph can be broken into repetitions of 3 cases then a path is active if all triples on that path are active
A path is inactive → we can guarantee they are independence but not dependence
With this, we can build a complete list of conditional independences that are necessarily true to the form Xi⊥⊥Xj∣{Xk1,...,Xkn} which determines the probability distributions that can be represented